最靠谱的网赌软件 生物电子学中心 引进了第三批 研究生研究训练计划(G-RISE) 在G-RISE最近的研究静修期间,有学者和四个G-RISE附属机构.

The G-RISE program is designed to increase the diversity of biomedical researchers by attracting underrepresented students from minority, 军事, 社会经济弱势群体和残疾群体的实地考察.

该项目由美国联邦政府资助.6 million renewable grant from the National Institutes of 健康's National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) that was awarded to principal investigator Gymama Slaughter, 生物电子学中心的执行主任, 和副警长阿尔文·霍尔德, associate professor of chemistry and director of ODU's Maximizing Access to 研究 Careers Program (MARC).




他持有ODU计算机科学学士和硕士学位. 他的博士研究重点是并行网格生成, as applicable to computational fluid dynamics simulations within the context of aerospace engineering and medical image computing. 加纳, 他在弗吉尼亚海滩长大,在葡萄园社区教堂做志愿者, 还是南方地区教育委员会的州立博士学者, a recipient of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium 研究生 Fellowship and earned the ODU Computer Science Outstanding 研究生 研究er Award.


理查兹得了B.S. in computer science in the spring of 2023 from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, 他是迈尔霍夫学者, 提供经济援助的计划, 指导, advising and research experience to African American male undergraduate students committed to obtaining Ph.D. 数学、科学和工程学位. 在G-RISE项目中,他将攻读博士学位.D. 在生物医学工程方面,着重于智能生物传感器技术的应用.


帕特里克在马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校学习计算机工程, where he was also a Meyerhoff and MARC U*Star (Maximizing Access to 研究 Careers – 本科 Student Training in Academic 研究). G-RISE项目, his research goal is to integrate and develop inexpensive sensing devices and algorithms with precise and inexpensive solutions for point-of-care diagnostics with the intent to reduce diagnosis times and inaccuracies and lead to better treatment options and health outcomes.


雷克从斯波坎市的高中毕业后就读于蒙大拿大学, 2006年在华盛顿. 几年后, 他退学了,开始帮助残疾人, where he said he developed a passion for helping others and learning about human biology. “That interest increased tenfold after I developed stage-one renal cell carcinoma,” he said. He returned to the University of Montana eight years after dropping out and earned a degree in biology. 他继续在伊丽莎白城市州立大学获得生物学硕士学位, 他“通过参与COVID-19监测而对研究产生了兴趣, 肺癌研究和指导本科生.”

Zuri Jules-Culver,生物医学科学

朱尔斯-卡尔弗是俄勒冈州立大学的校友,成绩是B.S. 2020年的生物学. She was a member of ODU’s first cohort to graduate from the Monarchs-MARC U*STAR program. 她说:“我非常感激能被ODU的G-RISE项目录取。. “这个项目是我的荣幸,它能让我更多地了解自己, 以及更深入的研究.”


Richardson is investigating the potential pathological role of Par-4 tumor suppressor proteins in neurodegenerative diseases. 她曾担任普通化学实验室的助教, an adjunct chemistry professor at Norfolk State University and a supplemental instructor at Tidewater 社区 College. She has also provided private and volunteer tutoring to high school and collegiate students for more than a decade. 她获得了潮水社区学院的副学士学位, a Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in chemistry from Bluefield College and a master's degree in chemistry from ODU. Her research on the cytotoxic and therapeutic effects of silver nanoparticles against colon tumor cells was presented at the 2019 American Chemical Society National Meeting & 博览会,以及Bluefield学院和ODU的研讨会. 在她众多的奖项和荣誉中,有马文G. 威廉姆斯生物学优秀毕业生, the Tidewater 社区 College Academic Excellence Award and the Phi Theta Kappa 国际 Honor Society. ​In 2014, 她是抗击饥饿组织的联合创始人, Feed Hope Feed the People initiative to assist families struggling with food insecurity in Hampton Roads and surrounding areas. She has volunteered with the Kempsville Presbyterian Church’s Clothing Ministry; Operation Inasmuch (OIAM), an annual Portsmouth Baptist Association-sponsored community outreach initiative; local food banks; community gardens; and the Portsmouth Humane Society. ​

Zaria Booth,机械工程(1月开始)

Booth earned her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from ODU and is now pursuing her Ph.D.  My undergraduate research and my senior capstone project have had a huge role in opening my eyes to the possibilities that graduate school can present to me,布斯说. “我非常兴奋能继续我的学业并获得博士学位.D. 现在我在读研究生, 在G-RISE项目的帮助下,我可以更好地学习和自我.” She added that among her goals are “protecting the community from potential harm and presenting ideas that can meet the needs of consumers.”

四个分支机构, who participate in NIH G-RISE professional and career development programming and are supported through ODU’s 教学 and 研究 Assistantship, 是:


Aviha holds a bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Nairobi in Kenya and a master’s degree in electronics engineering from Norfolk State University. Aviha被美光科技公司聘为实习生. 2022年夏天,担任项目工程师. Aviha计划将重点放在生物传感器技术上.​


亨特是诺福克人,毕业于ODU,获得生物化学学士学位. His research involves developing an electrochemical biosensor for the early detection and monitoring of prostate cancer. 去年,他是 八位前往南非的G-RISE学者 参加会议.​​


Shinde, 谁获得了电子学学位, 印度电信工程和心理学, 她的研究重点是电化学生物传感器和机器学习吗, 技术和医学之间的桥梁是什么. “The idea of serving others has greatly impacted both my personal and professional life,” she said.

Amit Sarode,电气和计算机工程

Amit Sarode joined the 生物电子学中心 as a research assistant in the fall of 2022. He holds a bachelor's degree in electronics and telecommunication from Savitribai Phule Pune University and pursued his master's degree at G H Raisoni College of Engineering in Nagpur in India. Sarode的研究重点是用于传感器的自供电生物燃料电池.

如上图所示, 后排, 左起:阿米特·萨洛德, 克里斯Animashaun, Erem Ujah, 亚历克斯·亨特, 马库斯东方国家的人, 布伦特莱克和昆汀理查兹. 前排,左起:祖丽·朱尔斯-卡尔弗、蕾拉·拉沙德、奥巴马博士. Barbara Hargrave, Megha Shinde, Dr. Gymama Slaughter, Kevin 加纳, Brain Hanson Jr.,谢娜·桑德森,丽贝卡·理查森和泰勒·帕特里克.